Monday, January 24, 2011

A Love Poem for My Dog

Many people may say this, but for my husband and I it's the absolute truth....our dog is like our child! I absolutely love my Chihuahua Bailey like he is my son. However crazy that may sound, I would shout it from the rooftops because there is NOTHING wrong with the deep love I have for my dog. There are so many wonderful characteristics he possesses, he loves me no matter what. He doesn't care if I have a bad hair day, gained 5 pounds, forgot to complete an important project for work or if I pissed someone off driving in traffic. All he requests is an opportunity to spend time with me, give me kisses and cuddle with me.

In honor of my wonderful puppy, here is a love poem...
  • I love thee passionately - despite your capability to lick in one ear and out the other.
  • I love thee deeply - given by the suffocating cuddles I give you.
  • I love thee madly - despite the decibal you chose to bark.
  • I love thee constantly - through walks in the freezing cold, rain and snow.
  • I love thee truly - despite the space you take up in my bed.
  • I love thee absolutely - given by the rawhides, treats and toys throughout the house.
  • I love thee fully - showcased in the prince like pampering you receive daily.
  • I love thee gratefully - because you stay by my side (or on my side).
  • I love thee devotedly - incorporating play dates, walks in the park and grooming.
  • I love thee openly - shout it from the rooftops and defend you to the death!
  • I love thee totally - more than I could have ever imagined.
The reason a dog has so many friends is that he love unconditionally. I've said it before and I'll say it again,  the world would be a much better place if more people emulate a dog.

I Love You Bailey Bear!

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