So the other day I was on Jen's blog and it struck a nerve. I needed to get my lazy butt up & get organized! I looked around my bedroom and immediately found a couple areas I could improve. The first on the list was our master closet!
Our master closet isn't very big. It's a decent size for a starter home, but nothing to brag about. That being said, with two adults it gets pretty full of stuff and isn't super organized. That's about to change! At a recent trip to Garden Ridge and Lowe's, I picked up a few things to help me get started. For less than $20 I was able to get something organized and easier to access.
1. Purse storage: I've always heard that when you have storage problems you need to "go up" and use wall space. I've also heard to make sure to use every space possible, including doors! So with that, I bought a couple decorative hooks from Lowe's and attached them to the back of the door to hold my purses. Easy to do and so nice when I want to quickly change my purse for the day! Total cost for this solution was $6.
2. Hat storage: In our office I bought a hat rack for Ryan so all of his baseball hats had a home {not that he puts them there that often}; but for my hats, I like them upstairs when I'm getting dressed. Mostly I use them when I exercise and I'm getting dressed upstairs for that. With that, I bought some Command Strips and placed them on the wall for each hat to be hung. I think I spent a total of $5 for this solution.