Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Prank

I’m not really too big into the Halloween holiday. I don’t typically dress up or go to parties and I certainly don’t decorate the outside of my house. However, I do realize others (some close friends of mine) feel very different. Two years ago, some close friends of mine decorated the outside of their townhome on October 1st in anticipation for Halloween. I’m not sure how the idea came up, but some of us decided that it would be HILARIOUS if we “borrowed” their decorations. See, the people who’s outside decorations we were going to “borrow” worked overnight delivering papers (The Virginian-Pilot). And my house at the time happened to be on their route every morning. So to make this work, we needed to strategize.

It was three of us total who decided to pull off this prank. It was chilly and of course, raining that morning. We waited in our cars for our friends to leave on their route, around 5:10 am. We quickly went to their house and decided to pull down the decorations. We had a key so we were even able to pull down the decorations that we hanging inside their windows! It took probably a half an hour to remove them all. We then immediately went to my house and began hanging them back up again. Even as I recount this story I am smiling because of how sneaky I thought we were for doing this! I mean, who pulls a Halloween Prank? And best of all, we wouldn’t have to wait long for the shock on their faces. He he he :)

After we finished decorating my house with all the Halloween decorations we waited…and waited…and waited. It seems like forever, probably a total of eighty minutes. We could have taken our time, but in all the excitement we were working fast to avoid being caught prematurely! It was probably around 7:00am when they pulled into our court. We slouched down behind the bushes, hoping to avoid being seen.  One of my friends was recording the whole thing, us stealing (or “borrowing”) the decorations, hanging them back up again and of course the highlight-when they finally saw!

As they turn to go by our house they slowed down very sharply. Their windows were rolled down because that’s how they toss the papers out onto people’s yards. You can clearly hear them state “Are those our decorations?” We immediately start laughing and are so proud of our accomplishment that we jump out of the bushes and start moving towards them! They got out of the car and was in amazement at how we pulled it off. They had left their home not two hours ago with the decorations there and suddenly they were no longer.  We were instantly told to put the decorations back asap, by one sleepy and grouchy passenger, but we didn’t care. We pulled it off and got the reaction we had hoped for! :) Mwuahaha!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

30 Before 30 Update

It has been over three months since I originally wrote my 30 Before 30 List, on, and I would like to update everyone on a few items!
Number 2 on my list was mending broken relationships. While this particular relationship has not been completely mended, I am happy to report that everyone involved is working hard to improve communication & trust. This will hopefully (cross your fingers) go a long way to keeping the relationship strong for the future!
Number 3 on my list is about to have a first step. I have decided that I would like to complete my first FULL marathon sooner rather than later! I am looking into running the Shamrock Full Marathon in March 2011. I have not run more than 5 miles since I ran the Disney Half Marathon in January and I know I will need all the training I can get to double that! So wish me luck as I embark on a grueling training schedule to do 26.2 miles! (more to come on this in future blogs)
Number 5 on my list was something I am especially proud of. In August I took a new position to be the Marketing Manager. I am very excited to take on this new and challenging opportunity. I know that I am a very hard worker and I look forward to putting that hard work for my new company!
Number 16 was to visit all the wineries in Virginia (which is quite ambitious). I have not started on that just yet, but I have a plan. Throughout Virginia there are local wine festivals which sample various Virginia Wineries. It is my plan to attend these festivals, including on in Chesapeake, VA on October 30th. May not be attending all 156 winery locations, but definitely sampling their wine!
Number 22 was to take Bailey on a vacation with us. I am happy to report that July 4th weekend we took Bailey, our puppy of 5 years, on his first trip! We drove up to Indiana to visit family and took Bailey on the 16 hour car ride. I have to admit I thought it would be bad, given that Bailey has only rode in the car for a total of 4 hours; but he was fantastic. Slept the whole way and cuddled with his mama!

Number 26 I haven’t been able to convince my in-laws to move to Virginia, but they are moving significantly closer! My father-in-law has taken a job in Maryland and will only be 4.5 hours away. Soon my MIL and SIL will be joining him, and we are super excited! With the closer distance we’ll be able to see Ryan’s family once or twice a month; instead of once or twice a year!!
Number 27 has been completed. Purchased my Smartphone right before a business trip in June and absolutely LOVE it! I do not know what I would do without it, makes life so much easier!

There it is! My updates for my 30 Before 30 List in only 4 short months. Hopefully in the winter I will have been able to check off a few more! Thanks!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Runner gurl

As I get ready to tell a story, I feel the need to give some history prior to just jumping right in. Not sure if that’s the best way or not, but it helps myself process where or how I’ve gotten to that place today. So here it goes…

I’ve not always been a runner. Truth be told, I had no desire to run any amount of distance. I ran in the 5K Race for the Cure down at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront before, but never really considered myself a runner. Several years later I start meeting people that have participated in half marathons. The competitive side in me takes over and starts to drive the notion in my head that I can do it! So I sign up for my first half marathon. Thinking that itself was a huge feat, I have since signed up and completed two more half marathons; including one in Disney World which was AMAZING!

Getting to my point… On my 30 Before 30 List I made the goal of running in a FULL MARATHON! Everyone I know thinks I’m crazy for setting this goal. But regardless, it’s something I think is huge to accomplish in one’s life. Did you know less than 1% of Americans have completed a FULL MARATHON? I want to accomplish that. I swore up and down after my first two half marathons that a full marathon was not for me, and yet here I am taking that step. I’ve signed up for the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach on March 20, 2011 and have begun training. The difficult part for me is going to be the pressure. I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself in general, especially for races. But what I need to realize is finishing is the ultimate goal.

This past weekend I ran 8+ miles. I’m comfortable that I can run 13 miles (after all I’ve done 3 ½ marathons) but I’m scared for the remaining miles. To help build my motivation and talk through my fears, I will be posting bi-weekly (if not weekly) updates and concerns about this race. Maybe posting it publically for all to see will help me along my journey.

In addition to my commitment on this blog, I’m also committing to various races to help ‘hype’ my excitement throughout the training process. Cause trust me, training in a gym for the next four months isn’t going to be all that exciting! :)

December 4th, 2010
Surf n Santa 10 Miler:

February 12, 2011
Virginia is for Lovers:

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cuddle Monster

Reading this title you might think I’m talking about someone else, perhaps a child, a dog or even my husband. But I’m not. I’m talking about me. I am the BIGGEST cuddle monster!
I just love to cuddle. Not really sure what it is, but I love wrapping my arms around my husband and just laying on the couch watching TV. Or I love when my warm, furry Chihuahua cuddles with me in bed. It just epitomizes home, comfort and family time in my mind. That being said, not everyone feels the same way I do. Case in point-my husband!
Ryan is not a cuddle person. The small sliver of a chance I have for cuddles, is prior to him eating, not when he’s too warm, not when he’s “busy” doing something else and certainly NOT when he’s sleeping! A lesson I learn far too often… Given that I’m a HUGE cuddle monster, I tend to try and push the envelope for designated cuddle time. On many occasions that will be when Ryan is sleeping. I wake up a few times each night, for whatever reason, and I usually take the opportunity to snuggle closer to my honey. 
I’m not sure how it’s possible, but I think his subconscious actually knows what I’m trying to do; therefore, he reacts. I cannot count how many times I have gotten turned or pushed away, or worse an elbow to the face! I know he’s asleep when he’s doing it because I’ll recount the story to him in the morning and he has no recollection of it. But without fail, no matter how persistent I may be, cuddling him while he is asleep does NOT work. Now to be fair to my husband, there is another small window I am allowed to cuddle him. In fact, it’s some of the most treasured time I have with him. In the morning, after I’ve gone to the gym and showered, he will start to wake up. In his groggy state, I am able to lie in his arms and just relax. If it weren’t for both of us having to work, I know we would stay there for hours. It’s a surreal moment. 
And like a child, no matter how many times I’m told “no”, I will continue to push the boundaries. I mean, how can I not. I’m the CUDDLE MONSTER! :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

My 30 Before 30 List

Previously posted on

A good friend of mine did this and I found it inspirational; especially since I’m not too far from 30! Here are mine (in no particular order) ….
30 before 301. Get another dog (Bailey needs a playmate)
2. Mend broken relationships
3. Do a full marathon (run/walk)
4. Take a cake decorating class
5. Take the next step in my career (management)
6. Buy a new car (that I LOVE)!
7. Have a professional maid come in and clean my house
8. Do a home renovation project on my own!
9. Become a mom
10. Create a piece of art (painting or drawing) I’d be willing to hang in my house
11. Get back into scrapbooking; make scrapbook of home renovations
12. Pay off my student loans
13. Read the Bible cover-to-cover
14. Finally be happy with my body
15. Redo two bathrooms in my home (gut & start over)
16. Visit all the wineries in Virginia (that’s 156 wineries)
17. Go to Boston and see the RED SOXs play
18. Do another tropical vacation
19. Go camping
20. Not have a farmer’s (soccer) tan for one summer!
21. Take a cooking class with Ryan
22. Go on vacation and bring Bailey
23. Paint a mural on a wall in my home (future baby Luce room)
24. Take one full day to watch old classic 80’s movies (This list looks good:
25. Keep a plant alive for longer than 1 week!
26. Convince in-laws to move back down to Virginia
27. Get a Smartphone
28. Run in a race with Ryan (5K, 8K, 10K…whatever!)
29. Make my own greeting cards for every occasion
30. Throw/host an elaborate black-tie affair! (Perhaps for my 30th Birthday)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Move

I'm far from new to the blogging world. In fact, its something I do daily. I have blogged professionally for more than three years as a part of my job responsibilities at Dominion Enterprises. Personally, however, I have only blogged for about a year. My previous blog was hosted off the local publication for women,

But after much consideration, I have decided to take my personal blogging efforts to the next level. Instead of hosting my articles off another site, I have taken the reins and ventured to my own spot. So here it is!

I look forward to sharing many stories and personal journeys with you on this platform. I hope you are able to comment and share with me as I recount the tales of my fabulously blessed life! Talk to you soon. :)