Monday, January 14, 2013

Weekend Worthy

You know those weekends you look back and think 'what did I do?' But with a smile on your face? No? You have no idea what I mean? Well, that's a shame. That is what this past weekend was for me. I did absolutely nothing significant, but at the same time I had an absolute blast!

My in-laws came into town to cheer me up which was pretty nice. I'm one of those lucky people that actually enjoy my in-laws, which is good because they come and visit quite frequently! LOL. After more than a TWO year boycott, I finally decided to join the gym again. It had been almost two months since my last "real" work-out (I put that in quotes because, while I do long walks often I rarely consider that a work-out) so it was time to get back on the wagon! We went and saw a movie at the theaters and ate amazing food (again, good I returned to the gym). ;)

Yesterday the hubby and I spent the entire day on the couch watching White Collar. It's a new series we started watching on Netflix. Gotta love those streaming services which allow you to watch endless amounts of shows you never knew you wanted to watch. Whatever, I enjoyed being a fat lazy bum with my two loves-Bailey & Ry. Oh, and the weather in Hampton Roads has warmed up. I'm not one of those people that get bad at a nice day in winter. I'll take the little break of scraping ice off my car in the morning, thank you!

All in all, this weekend has be raising my hands screaming Hallelujah for the good, but certainly not too memorable, time. (In case you're having trouble imagining what that might look like, I've trusted Google to illustrate it for me).

How was your weekend?

Friday, January 11, 2013

New and Old

Am I the only one who finds the new "old" or "vintage" trend interesting? It seems buying vintage or thrifting is a hot trend both in fashion and home decor. Take an old piece of furniture, like my dresser turned TV stand, buy it and turn it into a new piece by sanding it down and painting. Or take a 1950s inspired dress and remix it with a new belt, colored tights and booties and it's a classic outfit for the office. A mixture of old items, made new.

While at TJMaxx the other day I saw this beautiful bowl that looked vintage but it wasn't. The delicate flower detail with light blue coloring reminded me of my grandmother's kitchen wallpaper but there was something that just appealed to me. Screamed "take me!" So I took her home. She now sits on my jewelry stand giving my pearl necklace and skinny headbands a home.


Saturday, January 5, 2013

The New Year

Did everyone have a wonderful Christmas? I sure did. Loads of time with family. :)

As you may have noticed, I have taken a little break from blogging the last two months. Without going too far into details, I do like to keep some of my private life private, I have had some personal things going on. In addition to those personal things, I have also been thinking a lot about who I am and what I want to write about.

I read a lot of blogs for work and personal. For my job, I love to work with home decor/DIY and even entertainment bloggers. But personally, I have been really stalking fashion blogs. One thing I have read over and over again with the fashion blogs, you have to be true to yourself and you can't feel the pressure to be anyone else or keep up for appearances sake.

I've been out of high school for over ten years; you think this mentality would have sunk in by now but it hasn't. Regardless, I'm just about So that's my New Years Resolution when it comes to the blog. It's not going to be defined because I will write about whatever is going on in my life. I'm excited for the clarity that I am finally starting to have and I'm looking forward to all the 2013 has to bring. Happy New Year folks! :)